Implants musculaires chez l’homme. Biceps, triceps, quadriceps


Muscle implants are becoming more popular with men. In a single surgical procedure and without spending many hours in the gym, it is possible to quickly improve your body contour.

Like most cosmetic surgery trends, the need for a perfectly ripped and fit body is becoming more a necessity than a choice. In these days of Instagram and social media madness, there is much competition among men. All showing off their bare bodies!

However, even with vigorous exercise, men sometimes have a hard time toning their bodies to their satisfaction. This can lead to a negative body image and problems of self-esteem.

Bicep and tricep implants are the most popular in men. They can give you muscular definition and increased mass in your upper arms. Also, you can get a bulky chest and the physique that you’ve always dreamed of with customized pectoral implants. Finally, other popular procedures for men are calf augmentation and buttock implants.

So, are you a good candidate? If you are ready to take the plunge, keep reading and find out everything you need to know about muscle augmentation surgeries.


Bicep implant surgery is the most popular. Implants can be successfully performed also in the triceps, quadriceps, pectorals, calves, and buttocks. 

They are very common in people who train professionally or semi-professionally and want to achieve the best results in bodybuilding. 

However, muscle augmentation is not a surgery focused only on fitness patients. Implants are also used to correct certain congenital defects like Poland syndrome (congenital absence of the pectoralis major muscle) or reconstruct the body contour after a muscle injury.

Indeed, muscle implants are designed for both body aesthetics and patients with medical necessities. It has been determined that nearly 35 percent of male patients request surgery for reconstructive reasons, including botched surgeries.

The idea of deltoid, triceps, and biceps implants is to enhance muscle definition and get an increase in size. So, it is ideal for those men who are already used to working out. This surgery is not a replacement for exercise and bodybuilding. You should continue to work out to improve even more the muscle shape as much as possible.

Finally, before considering a muscle augmentation surgery, you must be in good overall health. Your plastic surgeon will perform a detailed surgery consultation. It will include your medical history, body type, fitness habits, goals, and expectations to make sure you’re a good candidate.


You should keep in mind that the areas where implants are inserted have a lot of movement and are submitted to pressure and strength. For that reason, it is crucial to choose the correct implant.

Doctor Benito has attended many cases of revision surgeries (re-interventions) where there had been mistakes when selecting the implant in the first place.

Submuscular silicone implants are very good and resistant. Also, this is the case of buttocks implants. They are placed in an area of great mobility. After all, it is what we sit on!

These soft yet endurable silicone implants come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Also, a custom-made implant can be created just for you, especially to correct Pectus Excavatum (sunken chest) or Poland syndrome.

The custom-made implant can give you the look you’ve always wanted and perfectly fit your anatomy. But, even though it is important to choose an adequate implant, it is also crucial to carefully choose the site of placement.


In recent years we have seen a change in the profile of patients who undergo plastic surgery with implants. A few years ago, this type of surgery was limited to women who requested breast augmentation. Indeed, this is the most popular cosmetic surgery to this day. But recently, men are demanding more and more plastic surgeries to enhance their bodies.

While muscle implants are regularly done on the buttocks, calves, and pectoral muscles, things are slightly different for limb muscles.

Tricep, deltoid, and bicep implants can be a little tricky to place. In particular, the bicep muscle is characterized by quite a significant change in shape between its positions on extension and flexion. Hence, appropriate placement is essential to avoid awkward displacements or that the edges are too noticeable.


Bicep implants are for men who wish to have more bulk and definition in the upper arms area. Depending on the size of your arm, the implant could weigh between 110g or 200g. In these cases, Doctor Benito usually uses an oval-shaped bicep implant as it adapts better to this area.

He makes a small incision in the armpit region (or the medial aspect of the arm) and the fascia overlying the biceps muscle. Next, a cut is made in this fascia to gain access to the biceps muscle. This allows the surgeon to maneuver and create a pocket just below the muscle to place the implant.

Bicep implants could also be placed beneath the muscle lining, called muscular fascia, though. This approach helps the implant get a feel of “firmness” that’s similar to a natural muscle.

Also, the subfascial approach has been known to reduce the damage to vital neurovascular structures. However, your plastic surgeon will decide what is best for you. Whichever approach is used, over time, the bicep implant is surrounded by scar tissue that secures it in place.


Tricep implants choice will depend on the characteristics of the patient and the reasons behind undergoing surgery: injury or aesthetics.

This surgery takes approximately 80 minutes to complete and the size of the implant will depend on the space around the muscle and the size of the arm. The tricep implant can be elongated (a calf implant) or oval-shaped, aka gluteus implant, for patients with wide, muscular well-trained triceps.

The incision is made in the internal part of the arm, near the elbow. So don’t worry about scarring because they are hidden near the natural skin folds.

Also, patients must understand that while biceps and triceps augmentations can be performed together, it is safer to have two separate surgeries to avoid the risk of compartment syndrome in the upper extremity.


Quadricep implants. The best option is to place a large oval-shaped implant of 200 grams inside the rectus femoris muscle to increase the mass of the muscle and its prominence.

Calf implants are a safe and effective way to increase the size and shape of your calves.

Pectoral implants. The surgeon will make a small incision in the armpit. This surgery offers very good results and can be further enhanced if you work out to develop the chest muscles.

Buttock implantsare very popular in men. Patients get more defined and projected buttocks, similar to what can be achieved through exercise. The edges are not visible, and the result looks very natural.

How Is Muscle Implant Surgery?

Muscle implant surgeries are generally performed under general anaesthetic and may require one night in the hospital. As each patient has a unique body structure, the procedure could last between 1 to 2 hours.

The basic technique is done using implants alone. However, it’s possible to achieve the best results in muscle augmentation using silicone implants combined with fat grafting (the patient’s own fat).

The fat is obtained by liposuction from other parts of the patient’s own body. It usually comes from the abdomen, thighs, hips, and double chin.

This technique allows to get a better definition and polish the contours. In the case of Poland syndrome (congenital absence of the pectoralis major muscle), the contours can be recreated with only fatty tissue.

However, more often than not, fat grafting is not performed alone. It is more common that the patient may require some combination of liposuction, fat grafting, and/or excision of excess skin to get a better outcome.


After the surgery, you will have some pain and discomfort, but this will be managed with appropriate antibiotics and pain killers. Bruises are common and will disappear in a few weeks.

Also, expect to have your treated area wrapped around with bandages or a compression garment. In the case of tricep/ bicep augmentation, you will have your arms covered in elastic compression sleeves to diminish the swelling. This compression garment should be worn at all times for four weeks minimum!

During the recovery period, the movement of your limbs will be limited. After this, you may begin using your upper arms. A light workout program will increase the range of arm movements gradually.

Recovery after bicep implant surgery may take up to a month. However, no strenuous activities or gym is allowed for six weeks or so.


Each person has a different recovery period. Usually, a few months are needed to see the difference and get definite results. You could expect a 1 to 2-inch increase in the circumference of your biceps.

In terms of side effects, these are extremely rare. With a skilled doctor like Dr. Benito, the risk of complications is minimal.

A common side effect is temporary numbness. The placement of implants can put pressure on nerves. However, this is transient and usually resolves in the first 7-10 days or after 4-6 weeks.

Minor lumps and irregularities: They are related to accumulations of fluid in the treated areas. They even out after the first 2-3 weeks after the surgery.

cLiposuction for men MSLiposuction for men MSB


Muscle implant surgery cost depends on the physical features of the patient and of the technique used in the plastic surgery. Without meeting the patient we don’t offer approximate prices as each patient is a different case.

But we know that the economic factor is important when it comes to making a decision. Therefore, we offer the possibility for the patient to come to Antiaging Group Barcelona facilities for a first, free, no-obligation visit.

You can consult with the surgeon regarding all your doubts and worries. Based on your characteristics, we will offer the best solution for your muscle augmentation.


With more than 20 years of experience, Doctor Jesús Benito is worldly renowned for his techniques using muscle implants for men.

His extensive experience permits him to perform this kind of cosmetic surgeries with the maximum safety and with the guarantee of spectacular results without sacrificing naturalness.

Doctor Jesus Benito - Plastic Surgeon

Doctor Jesús Benito

Specialist in face and body cosmetic surgery for men.
Worldly renowned in muscle implant surgeries for men.

  • Secretary of the ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery).
  • Former president of the Spanish Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (AECEP).
  • 2013 Gold Medal (Forum Europa)

More information about the medical team.

Bibliography & Publications:

  • Benito-Ruiz J. Buttock implants for male chest enhancement. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2003 Dec;112(7):1951.
  • Benito-Ruiz J. Male body implants. Prime 08/2014; 4(5).
  • Prótesis en Estética de Extremidades (Deltoides, bíceps, Tríceps y Pantorrilla). XLVII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Plástica, Reparadora y Estética, (SECPRE). Murcia, 2 y 3 de junio de 2011
  • Prótesis corporales: indicaciones, tipos y cuidados. VIII Curso Teórico-práctico de disección anatómica de la AECEP. Madrid, 25 de febrero de 2012

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    Dr Benito and Dr Salvador - Antiaging Group Barcelona

    Antiaging Group Barcelona

    Ronda del General Mitre, 84, 08021 (Barcelona, Spain)

    Nearest Metro Stations: Les Tres Torres / La Bonanova

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