Rhinoplasty in Spain. Nose Surgery. Non-surgical nose filler


Rhinoplasty, also callednose surgeryornose job, is one of the most requested cosmetic surgeries. It involves reshaping the nasal bone and cartilage. Both elements are responsible for the structure of the nose and its final appearance.

This surgery can improve the contours of your nose in case of deformities from an injury or birth defects. It can get rid of dorsal humps, improve the nasal bridge, and give you a narrowed tip. Also, the size of the nose can be enlarged or reduced altogether, including flared nostrils.

But rhinoplasty surgery can go beyond vanity. It can also improve how you breathe through your nose, improving functionality.

In some cases, a less invasive option would be a non-surgical rhinoplastyIndeed, hyaluronic acid-based nose fillers can be used in instances where nose deformities are small.

Another alternative to traditional plastic surgery is ultrasonic rhinoplasty. This modern surgical procedure is less traumatic and causes little pain. Also, it gives more precision and great results.

Whichever your case, a nose job requires a plastic surgeon with wide experience at the forefront of the most advanced techniques. For the whole face to look harmonious and beautiful, the size and shape of the nose have to be in balance with the rest of the facial features. Here is where good plastic surgeons stand out.

So, if you are toying with the idea of getting a nose job, talk with your surgeon about whether surgery is a good option for you and what it can achieve. Also, keep reading to get a few tips and basics before going to your first consultation.


Different Types of Nasal Tips MSB

The main goal of a rhinoplasty is to improve aesthetics and function when needed. In other words, to improve the appearance of the nose, the breathing, or both.

To begin with, the upper portion of the nose’s structure is bone, and the lower part is cartilage. Rhinoplasty can reshape bone, cartilage, and even the skin above. The change can be in the size, shape, or proportions of your nose.

Most patients often want to:

  • Narrow the nasal tip by eliminating part of the alar cartilage.
  • Straighten or reduce the nasal bridge.
  • Make the nose smaller.
  • Make the nasal tip more turned-up, narrower, or rounder.
  • Place cartilage grafts to fill certain parts of the nose.
  • Correct the deviations of the nasal septum.
  • Fix flaring nostrils.
  • Smooth out the nose bridge in case of dorsal humps.

When planning surgery, your doctor will consider your goals, expectations, other facial features, and even the skin on your nose. Also, he will check your medical history to make sure that you are completely healthy.

Then, if you are an ideal candidate for surgery, your doctor will develop a customized treatment plan for you!

The Procedure

The surgery requires local anaesthesia with sedation or, most preferably, general anaesthetic, depending on how complex your surgery is and your surgeon’s preference.

Rhinoplasty goals:

  • Make your nose smaller (nose reduction) by removing some of the bone and cartilage.
  • Make your nose larger (nose augmentation) by taking bone from the hips or skull in case of larger changes. Also, for minor changes, your doctor could take cartilage from deeper inside your nose or the ears, using it to build up the nose (“graft technique”).
  • Change the shape of your nose, including the nasal tip and nostrils– by breaking/reshaping the nasal bones and rearranging the cartilage.
  • Get rid of dorsal humps by using a surgical rasp.
  • Change the angle between the upper lip and the nose.

Surgery can take two approaches: open or closed. Open rhinoplasty involves making a cut (incision) at the base of your nose, across the skin between the nostrils (called the columella), and separating the skin from the underlying bone and cartilage. It is done under direct vision.

On the other hand, closed rhinoplasty is performed through tiny cuts inside the nostrils. Your surgeon will readjust the bone and cartilage underneath your skin “blindly.”

It leaves no visible scars and causes significantly less swelling, but it might not always be possible for your case.

As you can see, a nose job surgery is complex. Your surgeon can alter the shape of your nasal bones or cartilage in several ways, depending on your case, how much needs to be added or removed, and your nose’s anatomy.

After these changes are made, the surgeon puts the nose’s skin back, which should shrink or expand to its new shape, and closes up the incisions.


If the wall between the nostrils, known as the septum, is bent or crooked (deviated), it can make it difficult to breathe through the nose. So, the surgeon can correct it to improve breathing problems.

The deviation of the nasal septum (crooked nose) is quite a common problem that increases the complexity of this surgery. It can be due to a fracture in nasal bones, which healed poorly, or it can also be due to genetics.

Before surgery, it is necessary to do a CT (CAT) scan to evaluate the septum and rule out any fractures.

Whichever the case, the nasal deviation is not only an aesthetic problem (crooked nose), but it also impacts nasal functionality.

Rhinoplasty is generally a cosmetic surgery to only change the shape of the nose. But since both breathing and the nose’s shape are deeply interconnected, a septoplasty is often combined to improve breathing.

Indeed, septoplasty is a surgery design to straightening the wall inside the nose that divides the two nasal passages into a right and a left side (nasal septum).

In these cases, it is usually necessary to take an open approach (open rhinoplasty), as it is easier to see the septum. Thus, a more anatomical reconstruction can be done.

The main goal of rhinoseptoplasty (plasty of the septum to correct a crooked nose) is to help the patient breathe better and get an excellent aesthetic result.

Sometimes we can work with a specialist in ear-nose-throat surgery to fix the functional part while we deal with the cosmetic aspect.


Rhinoplasty surgery is usually performed as an outpatient procedureAfter the surgery, a cast is placed on the nose to protect and keep the shape of your nose. This will be removed a week after surgery.

It isn’t a painful operation but requires patience. You may need to take nearly 2 weeks off work to recover from nose surgery.

After the surgery, you need to rest in bed, preferably with your head raised in an upright position, to reduce swelling and bleeding. Your nose may feel congested because of swelling or from the splints placed inside your nose.

Expected side effects are slight bleeding and drainage of mucus and/or old blood for a few days after the surgery or when removing the dressing.

Your doctor will place a “drip pad,” which is a small gauze held in place with tape under your nose —to absorb drainage. Most likely, you’ll have soft splints in place inside your nose. Do not worry about breathing, at least for a few days, because these splints have a hole in them. Doctors remove them at the one-week visit.

It is normal to present with black-and-blue discoloration of your eyelids up to two weeks after surgery. Arnica can help diminish this “Panda Eyes.” Also, expect temporary swelling or of the nose and its surrounding tissues. Cheeks, eyelids and upper lip will be swollen. Do not panic! It is after two weeks when the swelling starts to decrease. Normally, starting from week three and until the 3rd to 6th month.

Additional Recommendations During Rhinoplasty Recovery

  • Don’t put ice or cold packs on your nose after surgery.
  • Avoid blowing your nose! This is really important.
  • Avoid hot baths and getting the splint wet during the first week.
  • Do not feel tempted to removing any crusts until your appointment to have the splint/cast removed.
  • Eat high-fiber foods to avoid constipation. Constipation can cause you to strain and put pressure on the stitches.
  • Stay away from extreme facial expressions, such as smiling or laughing hard.
  • Try limiting movement of your upper lip by brushing your teeth gently.
  • Preferable, wear clothes that fasten in the front. Don’t try pulling shirts or sweaters over your head.
  • Avoid strenuous activities such as jogging or heavy lifting for up to 4 weeks.
  • Don’t put any pressure on your nose! So eyeglasses or sunglasses are out of the question at least four weeks after the surgery. You can tape the glasses to your forehead until your nose has healed.
  • Avoid direct sunlight and use SPF 30 sunscreen whenever you’re outside, especially on your nose. Too much sun can cause irregular discoloration in your nose’s skin.

If you follow all these recommendations, your recovery should run smoothly.

It’s difficult to say when you will see the “final results.” However, most of the swelling is gone within six months to a year. Although, the results of the frontal view could take 12 to 18 months to settle.


When a person decides to go in for rhinoplasty surgery, there is always uncertainty and anxiety over the final results. However, there are a few things you must do to have a successful journey.

First, you must do it for the right reasons, and second, you must put yourself in the best professional hands and find the best rhinoplasty surgeon for you!

At the first consultation, you and your doctor should talk about your motivations and expectations behind the surgery.

We know that you might feel self-conscious discussing your appearance, but you must be open with your doctor and communicate your goals.

Then, your doctor will explain what rhinoplasty can and can’t do for you and what your results might be. Realistic expectations are essential during your journey.

Your surgeon may even use computer software to manipulate photos of your nose profile to show you possible results. Recent progress in photographic software allows the patient to get an idea of the final result.

Your doctor will use these before-and-after photos to plan out the surgery and discuss details until you are fully satisfied. Also, your surgeon could suggest other complementary surgical procedures if needed.

For example, if you have a small chin, your surgeon may suggest surgery to augment your chin. This is because a small chin creates the illusion of a larger nose. It’s not required to have chin surgery, though, but it may better balance your facial profile.


Rhinoplasty surgery cost depends on many factors. Without meeting the patient we don’t offer approximate prices as each patient is a different case.

But we know that the economic factor is important when it comes to making a decision. Therefore, we offer the possibility for the patient to come to our facilities for a first free no-obligation visit.

You can consult with the surgeon regarding all your doubts and worries and we will offer the best solution and the best price for your nose job.


With more than 20 years of experience, Doctor Jesús Benito is one of the best rhinoplasty surgeons in Europe. He is an authority in plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery.

Doctor Benito masters several surgical techniques which allow him to achieve the best results in nose deformities. Some of his techniques have been presented in different scientific publications and at international congresses.

Doctor Jesus Benito Plastic Surgeon

Doctor Jesús Benito

Specialist in plastic and cosmetic surgery.

  • Secretary of the ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery).
  • Former president of the Spanish Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (AECEP).
  • 2013 Gold Medal (Forum Europa)

More information about the medical team.

Bibliography & Publications:

  • Yoon T, Benito-Ruiz J, Garcia-Diez E, Serra-Renom JM. Our algorithm for nasal reconstruction. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2006;59(3):239-47.
  • Benito-Ruiz J, Raigosa M, Yoon TS. Columella Reconstruction Using a Free Flap From the First Web Space of the Foot. Ann Plast Surg. 2012 Sep; 69(3):279-82
  • Rinoplastia Estética Endoscópica. Diseño de un bisturí para el dorso cartilaginoso”. VII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Plástica Reparadora y Estética. Santiago de Compostela, 7-10 Junio, 1995
  • “Alternativas Terapéuticas en la Reconstrucción Nasal”; Comunicación Oral; XXXVIII Congreso de la SECPRE

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