The image shows the Institut Guttmann building on the left, and on the right, a young girl using a Hocoma robotic rehabilitation device for assisted walking exercises.


Since 1965, the Guttmann Neurorehabilitation Hospital (Barcelona, Spain) is specialized in the rehabilitation of people with a serious brain injury.

Many patients travel to Barcelona to undergo personalized neurorehabilitation programs: spinal cord injury rehabilitation, traumatic brain injury rehabilitation, stroke rehabilitation.

The Guttmann Neurorehabilitation Hospital (Barcelona) is also specialized in neurodegenerative diseases, cerebral palsy and other severe pathologies of a neurological origin.

In 2019, the Guttmann Neurorehabilitation Hospital inaugurates a second neurorehabilitation centre in Barcelona: the Guttmann Barcelona Brain Health. This new rehabilitation centre is opening up to new pathologies: Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, learning disabilities in children …

The Guttmann Neurorehabilitation Hospital is accredited by the Joint Commission International,  which certifies that the hospital meets international quality standards of health care.

Guttmann hospital is included in the National Health Service and accredited as a Reference Hospital by the ‘Health Department of the Generalitat of Catalonia’.

The Guttmann Neurorehabilitation Hospital is the Centre of Excellence in Spain for the treatment of complex spinal cord injury (Ministry of Health, Spain)

Treatments offered at the Guttmann Neurorehabilitation Hospital (Barcelona):

Spinal cord injury rehabilitation
Brain injury rehabilitation
Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Cerebrovascular accident (stroke rehabilitation)
Cerebral lalsy
Multiple sclerosis
Parkinson’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease
Chronic fatigue

Learning disabilities in children
Post-polio syndrome
Guillain-Barré syndrome
Intravenous immunoglobulin
Immunoglobuline intraveineuse (IgIV)

4 REASONS TO TRUST the Guttmann Neurorehabilitation hospital (Barcelona, Spain) :

Guttmann Neurorehabilitation Hospital Barcelona Spain. Stroke rehabilitation, brain injury rehabilitation


The Guttmann Neurorehabilitation Hospital is excellently equipped with the most advanced technology. The centre has 152 beds, 16 of them are completely monitored, 70 day hospital places, 1 surgical block with 2 operating rooms and two resuscitation beds.

The Guttmann neurorehabilitation hospital is one of the few Spanish hospitals accredited by the Joint Commission International, one of the organizations with the best reputation in the international healthcare industry. This accreditation certifies that the Guttmann neurorehabilitation hospital meets international quality standards of health care and the management of the organization.  Guttmann Hospital also has the European accreditation of EMAS relating to the respect and active protection of the environment.

Surgeries in Spain, medical treatments Barcelona, medical emergencies, best specialist doctors


Since 1965, the Guttmann neurorehabilitation hospital is an international benchmark in stroke and brain injury rehabilitation. More than 4,500 patients are attended to each year and at the same time 300 advanced surgical interventions are carried out. The majority of the patients come on the recommendation of some medical specialist in their country who know the institution well, or because of the recommendation of another patient.

All the doctors that work in the Guttmann neurorehabilitation hospital are highly qualified and specialized in a specific area which guarantees a completely personalized treatment for each patient. The team is noted for its human touch, always dealing with the patient in a close, respectful way.

Surgeries in Spain, medical treatments Barcelona, medical emergencies, best specialist doctors


The high success rate of the procedures carried out results in complete customer satisfaction. Many new patients come to the Guttmann neurorehabilitation hospital on the recommendation of previous satisfied patients.

Customer satisfaction surveys are undertaken regularly which make it possible to know the level of satisfaction of patients and family members. The latest survey revealed a 95% overall satisfaction rate.

Surgeries in Spain, medical treatments Barcelona, medical emergencies, best specialist doctors

Guaranteed confort

Guttmann neurorehabilitation hospital (Barcelona, Spain) provides the patient with a specialized, comprehensive, continuous and personalized care.

Some of the factors that contribute to patient comfort are the year-round mild climate of Barcelona and the excellent Mediterranean diet. Guttmann neurorehabilitation hospital is located just 9 km from the centre of the city. It can be easily reached by adapted public transport and as well as that it has 307 parking places, 63 of them adapted for wheelchair use. The Guttmann neurorehabilitation hospital is located in a pleasant environment with 10,400 m2 of green zone, surrounded by woodlands and with great views of the sea and the city of Barcelona.

Meet the best neurorehabilitation specialists at the Guttmann Neurorehabilitation Hospital (Barcelona, Spain)

Doctor Montserrat Bernabeu Guitart Specialist in neurorehabilitation for acquired brain injury, child neurorehabilitation, neuropharmacology, spasticity and telerehabilitation. Institut Guttmann Barcelona Spain - Neurorehabilitation Hospital

Doctor Montserrat Bernabeu Guitart

Specialist in neurorehabilitation for acquired brain injury, child neurorehabilitation, neuropharmacology, spasticity and telerehabilitation.

Doctor Joan Vidal Samsó Specialist in the treatment of neuropathic pain, spasticity, erectile dysfunction, assisted reproduction techniques, physiological adaptation and metabolic changes in spinal cord injury. Institut Guttmann Barcelona Spain - Neurorehabilitation Hospital

Doctor Joan Vidal Samsó

Specialist in the treatment of neuropathic pain, spasticity, erectile dysfunction, assisted reproduction techniques, physiological adaptation and metabolic changes in spinal cord injury.

Doctor Jesús Benito Penalva Specialist in neurorehabilitation for spinal cord injury and movement rehabilitation after spinal cord injury. Institut Guttmann Barcelona Spain - Neurorehabilitation Hospital

Doctor Jesús Benito Penalva

Specialist in neurorehabilitation for spinal cord injury and movement rehabilitation after spinal cord injury.

All of the specialists at the Guttmann Hospital are highly qualified and specialized in specific fields of neurorehabilitation.

Meet all the specialists.

Get to know the Guttmann neurorehabilitation hospital facilities

Modern building with more than 20,000 m2.

Equipped with the most advanced technology

152 beds distributed in 4 hospitalization units

18 outpatient consulting rooms

7 rooms for diagnosis and treatment

1 surgical wing with 2 operating theatres and 2 resuscitation beds

A surface area of 3,697 m2 for functional rehabilitation (gym, occupational therapy, everyday activities, sports hall, hydrotherapy, running track…)

10,452 m2 of gardens

307 parking spaces (63 adapted)

The most recent prizes awarded to the Guttmann Neurorehabilitation Hospital (Barcelona, Spain)

Surgeries in Spain, medical treatments Barcelona, medical emergencies, best specialist doctors

2019 Inauguration of the new Guttmann Barcelona Brain Health centre. After more than fifty years devoted to spinal cord injuries and brain injuries, the Guttmann Institute is opening up to new pathologies in which it can contribute its knowledge and experience: Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, learning disorders in children…
2017      EURECAT recognition of the Guttmann Neurorehabilitation hospital as an Innovative Research Centre
2016      FAD Award (‘Foundation Avedis Donabedian’ – Fundación Avedis Donabedian).
2016      ACABS Award  – ‘Camp de Tarragona Civic Action Against Social Barriers’ (Acción Cívica Antibarreras Sociales del Campo de Tarragona), in recognition of the work done by the Guttmann Neurorehabilitation hospital for the inclusion and social recognition of people with disabilities.
2016      ACPRI Award (‘The Catalan Association of Protocol and International Relations’ – Asociación Catalana de Protocolo y Relaciones Internacionales).
2016      Blanquerna Health Award.
2016      “Mussol de l’Any” award, awarded by the Sant Quirze del Vallés Town Council.
2015      Gold Medal of Honour, awarded by the Parliament of Catalonia on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Guttmann Neurorehabilitation hospital.
2015      ASPID Award for the social integration of people with disabilities.
2015      ‘Francesc Macià’ Award, granted by the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia (Gobierno de la Generalitat de Catalunya) in recognition of the 50th anniversary of the inauguration of the Guttmann Neurorehabilitation hospital.
2015      Special Mention by ONCE at the ‘Solidarity Prizes’ ceremony. (Premios Solidaridad)

Prices prior to 2015:

2014      1st Prize in Road Safety at the 6th European Traffic Congress, for the “GAME OVER” programme in recognition of the contribution of the Guttmann Neurorehabilitation hospital in the awareness and prevention of traffic accidents.
2012      “ACAEBH 40th Anniversary” Award, in the Private Institution category, awarded by the ‘Catalan Association of Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus’ (Asociación Catalana de Espina Bífida e Hidrocefalia).
2012      ‘Venus’ Prize (most prestigious recognition by the city) awarded by the Badalona City Council to commemorate the 10th Anniversary of the inauguration of the new Guttmann hospital in the municipality.
2011      Civic Merit Gold Medal, awarded by the Barcelona City Council to the Guttmann Neurorehabilitation hospital in recognition of its forty-five year career.
2008      Award of the ‘National Federation of Paraplegic and Severely Physically Disabled Persons’ (la Federación Nacional de Parapléjicos y Grandes Discapacitados Físicos (ASPAYM) for its contribution and achievements in the treatment of spinal injury and in recognition of the scientific and clinical investigation work that it carries out.
2008      “PLACA DE LA MERCÈ ’08” distinction, granted by the Department of Justice of the Generalitat of Catalonia (Departamento de Justicia de la Generalitat de Catalunya).
2008      Special Commendation given by the Canovelles Town Council to the Guttmann Neurorehabilitation hospital for its help and collaboration with the ‘Driver Education Unit’ (Unidad de Educación Viaria) of the local police of Canovelles.
2007      “Reina Sofia Award” for Rehabilitation and Integration, granted by the ‘Royal Disability Trust’ (Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad).
2007      Gold Medal of the Spanish Red Cross, for the activities carried out by the Guttmann Neurorehabilitation hospital in support of the most underprivileged individuals and groups
2007      ‘Esteve’ Prize for the project ‘New care model for chronic pain in a spinal cord injury community’ (“Nuevo modelo de atención al dolor crónico en una población de lesionados medulares”).
2006      “IMSERSO Infanta Cristina” Award, in the R&D&I Category for New Technology and Technical Assistance, in recognition of the work of investigation carried out at the Institut Guttmann – Neurorehabilitation hospital.
2006      The ‘Civil Guard’ (Guardia Civil) Badge of Honour for Merit, awarded by the Barcelona City Council to the Guttmann Neurorehabilitation hospital.
2006      Badalona City Award, in the social field, granted by the Badalona City Council.
2005      GIMM Award for rehabilitative medical assistance, awarded by the ‘Mataró and Maresme Invalids Group Foundation’ (Fundació Grup d’Invàlids de Mataró i Maresme).
2005      CERMI Award in the Best Regional Action Category, for the work carried out to integrate people with disabilities.
2004      ASPAYM Award for the work of healthcare and comprehensive rehabilitation in support of people with spinal cord injury.
2002      Spirit of Sport Award, given by the ‘Sports Federation Union of Catalonia’ (Unión de Federaciones Deportivas de Catalunya).
2001      ‘Josep Trueta’ Award for Medical Merit, which is granted by the Generalitat of Catalonia (Generalitat de Catalunya).
1998      ASPID Award, granted by the ‘Association of Paraplegics and Physically Disabled of Lleida’ (la Asociación de Parapléjicos y Discapacitados Físicos de Lleida).
1995      ‘Creu de Sant Jordi’ Prize awarded by the Generalitat of Catalonia.

Accreditations of the Institut Guttmann – Neurorehabilitation Hospital (Barcelona, Spain)

Surgeries in Spain, medical treatments Barcelona, medical emergencies, best specialist doctors

– International accreditation from the Joint Commission International, which certifies that the Guttmann Neurorehabilitation hospital complies with international standards of quality healthcare and organizational management.
– Neurorehabilitation hospital included in the National Health Service and accredited as a Reference Hospital by the ‘Health Department of the Generalitat of Catalonia’ (Departamento de Salud de la Generalitat de Catalunya).
– National Centre of Excellence for the treatment of complex spinal cord injury, by the ‘Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality’ (Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad).
– University Institute affiliated with the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
– Teaching Centre of Excellence in the field of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation by the ‘Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality’ (Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad).
– ISO 14001 Certificate which certifies correct Environmental Management by the Guttmann Neurorehabilitation hospital.
– EMAS Certificate (Community Regulation Eco-Management and Audit Scheme), which recognizes the organizations which have established an Environmental Management System and are committed to ongoing improvement.


Jonathan Hayden – Tetraplegia:

Jonathan is an Irish patient who suffers a tetraplegia as a result of a surfing accident. Currently, Jonathan is in the Institut Guttmann (Guttmann Institute) performing a neurorehabilitation specialized treatment.

A.Krupka (father of Artem) – Severe head injury, spastic tetraparesis and dysarthria (Institut Guttmann – Guttmann Institute)

After the second operation, the doctors didn’t even give him a 20% chance of coming out of the operation alive. Nevertheless he survived. It has been a fight and a struggle that have let him get through it.

When Artem arrived at the Institut Guttmann (Guttmann Institute), he had a severe head injury, spastic tetraparesis and dysarthria among a series of other cognitive problems.

I was really impressed by the treatment of the medical personnel in general and of Doctor Kumru; we had never received such treatment before. It shows that they are true specialists, professionals in their field and that they know what they are doing.

I am present during his physical rehabilitation, the speech therapy and the sessions with the neuropsychologists. I can see what they do with him and it’s obvious that they know what they’re doing.

All of the rehabilitation is aimed at getting the patient to walk by themselves, as a normal individual and that they may be able to get back into society in the best way possible.

Now Artem can walk, he needs less and less help, he responds to nearly everything and he expresses himself much better.

Each person does their bit in the rehabilitation process, with the goal of getting closer to the day when he will stand on his own two feet by himself. This fills him with energy and keeps him going. Artem is very happy because he can walk, talk and his memory has improved considerably.

Safina (mother of Daniil) – Traumatic brain injury (TBI) with multiple skull fractures:

They hit my son savagely and as a result, he suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) with multiple skull fractures. He was in a coma for 11 months.

Daniil started rehabilitation at the Institut Guttmann (Guttmann Institute) 2 months ago. He is progressing quickly, he can now say some words and he is working through the cognitive problems using a computer.

It was very nice to discover that the doctor who was treating us spoke our language, which is an enormous plus which helps you a lot in your dealings and in daily tasks. As well as that she is a true professional, always very attentive and very human. She knows what she’s doing.

A year and a half after receiving the trauma, Daniil has improved a lot, he is responding well, the truth is that his development is getting better and for that reason I think he can go further.

Our main objective is to improve his cognitive functions and the most important thing is that he will be able to start to talk.

To all the personnel at this marvellous hospital: I truly wish that you keep on doing the great job that you are doing, returning life, illusion and health to your patients.

I really appreciate all your efforts and I am sure that in the end, thanks to everyone, we will achieve our goal. Thank you!

I.Batysheva (mother of Maxim) – serious neck injury and implantation of diaphragmatic pacemaker:

In May 2011 there was an accident in the north of Buryatia. The car was going very fast, it was doing more than 100 km/h and it ran over two children. One of them died immediately. For over two and a half years we were searching for clinics which could implant the pacemaker because in Russia these kinds of operations don’t take place.

Doctor Joan Vidal (Head of the spinal injury unit at the Institut Guttmann): “The case of Maxim is probably one of the most serious neck injuries that could happen to a child after suffering an accident. He’s a child who because of his injury being so high up will depend on mechanical ventilation for the rest of his life. He can’t breathe for himself, and the possibility in this case of implanting a diaphragmatic pacemaker which will allow him to progressively break free from the dependence on the ventilator is probably one of the most interesting successes that we could give to this kind of patient.”

Now he has much more mobility, we can take the wheelchair and go for a walk. And this for us is the main thing.

As well as that, the truth is we are tired of the machine, the tubes and the cables.

Right now Maxim can breathe on his own for an hour, and each time he will be able to breathe for longer. He doesn’t always need a machine to breathe, and this will help him to have a more independent life.

I want to thank everyone for the treatment we have received and the doctors, for the excellent operation. We have many photos of happy moments. The personnel are so happy, and so united. Maxim loves them very much and they love him too. Thank you!

Institut Guttmann (Barcelona, Spain). Neurorehabilitation Hospital
Institut Guttmann (Barcelona, Spain). Neurorehabilitation Hospital
Safina (mother of Daniil) – Traumatic brain injury (TBI) with multiple skull fractures:

They hit my son savagely and as a result, he suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) with multiple skull fractures. He was in a coma for 11 months.

Daniil started rehabilitation at the Institut Guttmann (Guttmann Institute) 2 months ago. He is progressing quickly, he can now say some words and he is working through the cognitive problems using a computer.

It was very nice to discover that the doctor who was treating us spoke our language, which is an enormous plus which helps you a lot in your dealings and in daily tasks. As well as that she is a true professional, always very attentive and very human. She knows what she’s doing.

A year and a half after receiving the trauma, Daniil has improved a lot, he is responding well, the truth is that his development is getting better and for that reason I think he can go further.

Our main objective is to improve his cognitive functions and the most important thing is that he will be able to start to talk.

To all the personnel at this marvellous hospital: I truly wish that you keep on doing the great job that you are doing, returning life, illusion and health to your patients.

I really appreciate all your efforts and I am sure that in the end, thanks to everyone, we will achieve our goal. Thank you!

I.Batysheva (mother of Maxim) – serious neck injury and implantation of diaphragmatic pacemaker:

In May 2011 there was an accident in the north of Buryatia. The car was going very fast, it was doing more than 100 km/h and it ran over two children. One of them died immediately. For over two and a half years we were searching for clinics which could implant the pacemaker because in Russia these kinds of operations don’t take place.

Doctor Joan Vidal (Head of the spinal injury unit at the Institut Guttmann): “The case of Maxim is probably one of the most serious neck injuries that could happen to a child after suffering an accident. He’s a child who because of his injury being so high up will depend on mechanical ventilation for the rest of his life. He can’t breathe for himself, and the possibility in this case of implanting a diaphragmatic pacemaker which will allow him to progressively break free from the dependence on the ventilator is probably one of the most interesting successes that we could give to this kind of patient.”

Now he has much more mobility, we can take the wheelchair and go for a walk. And this for us is the main thing.

As well as that, the truth is we are tired of the machine, the tubes and the cables.

Right now Maxim can breathe on his own for an hour, and each time he will be able to breathe for longer. He doesn’t always need a machine to breathe, and this will help him to have a more independent life.

I want to thank everyone for the treatment we have received and the doctors, for the excellent operation. We have many photos of happy moments. The personnel are so happy, and so united. Maxim loves them very much and they love him too. Thank you!

Institut Guttmann (Barcelona, Spain). Neurorehabilitation Hospital
Institut Guttmann (Barcelona, Spain). Neurorehabilitation Hospital

Do you want more information about the Guttmann Neurorehabilitation Hospital (Barcelona, Spain)?

If you want a quote, please send a recent medical report.

You can also contact us on WhatsApp or Viber at +34 657 460 421.

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    Institut Guttmann Barcelona Spain - Neurorehabilitation Hospital


    Camí de Can Ruti, s/n, 08916 (Badalona, Spain)

    Institut Guttmann Barcelona Spain - Neurorehabilitation Hospital


    Carrer Garcilaso 57, 08027 (Barcelona, Spain)

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