Breast augmentation in Spain - Barcelona


“boob job”, also known as a breast enlargement or breast augmentation surgery, is one of the most requested plastic procedures. This surgery is designed to enhance the size and shape of your breast.

Many studies have shown that breast enlargement provides psychological benefits:

  • increasing self-confidence
  • increasing psychosocial and sexual well-being
  • allowing you to feel more feminine
  • body balance

Surgery can be carried out using breast implants or the patient’s own fat. Currently, there is a variety of silicone or saline implants to suit your desired shape and size.

Whether you have natural given small boobs, suffer from asymmetry, or deal with some postpartum or weight loss sagging, a boob job could be the right fit for you. There are different materials, techniques, shapes, and sizes. So let’s get into this!

Types of breast implants.

Currently, anatomical implants (teardrop implants) have become recently popular in breast enlargement surgeries. They are smaller at the top and fuller at the bottom, so they mimic the breast’s natural shape.

The teardrop implants are made of a thicker silicone gel or a high cohesion gel that holds its shape. They are also known as gummy bear implants.

These implants give a much more natural result, not only in shape but also in the way they feel. Indeed, the anatomical implants could be better suited for women with low body fat and small breasts seeking a more natural look. They also allow the asymmetries in the breasts to be corrected better!

On the other hand, the round breast implants are fluid silicone gel or saline-filled implants with a round shape and a smooth shell. As their name suggests, they are entirely symmetrical. Traditionally, these are the most used kind of implants to date.

The round implants are generally used to create more cleavage and a fuller look in women with previous breast tissue and minimum sagging.

No matter what type of implant you choose, the brands Dr. Benito works with have the approval of the American FDA agency and the European Union.

If you want to know more about the difference between teardrop and round breast implants, please consult our blog.

What size breasts should I choose?

A common worry for women is what size and shape of breast implant they should choose. The idea is that the change is noticeable but not excessive or unnatural.

Dr. Benito uses the scan to determine the most suitable volume of the implant. This mainly depends on the height and the diameter of each woman’s chest. Although, it also considers your frame, weight, and personal preferences.

How is breast enlargement surgery carried out?

For breast enlargement surgery, you could have regional anesthesia plus sedation. Although, in most cases, it is advisable to use general anaesthetic.

The patient is asleep during the whole operation. This guarantees better muscle relaxation and makes the job easier for the cosmetic surgeon.

The length of the operation is nearly one hour. After the procedure, you may be required to stay in hospital for a day to ensure that you are recovering properly.

What are the risks of breast enlargement?

The risk of having complications is very low. It is about 1-2%. However, as with any surgery, your doctor must lookout for the presence of blood clots or bleeding in the immediate time after the procedure.

In the long run, there is a possibility that you could need a replacement at some time in your life in case of rupture or capsular contraction. The great advantage of the current fifth-generation breast implants is that they keep their shape and are very stable.There are less chances of tears and leakages!

Also, many studies prove that women with implants do not have a higher risk of breast cancer or immunological diseases, as previously reported

Anaplastic large cell lymphoma is a very rare condition that occurs in some women who have breast enlargement surgery with implants. This kind of lymphoma is not breast cancer but a type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (cancer of the immune system).

Another myth is that a woman with a breast implant can’t get pregnant and breastfeed her child naturally. It hasn’t been proved that silicone passes to her milk.

Breast enlargement surgery in Spain MSB


Traditionally, the implant placed under the chest muscle is considered the best option because it is associated with less capsular contracture. Once a breast implant is in place, scar tissue forms around it, creating a tissue capsule.

However, with the last generation implants, the chance of having a capsular contracture in the long term is practically similar in both positions.

Also, regarding annual mammograms, it is estimated that 10% may have a false negative when there are implants in place, no matter if they are under or over the chest muscle.

In aesthetic terms, implants placed under the muscle are specially used in slim women. This technique allows the implant to be covered, softens the breast contour, and makes it more natural.

The downside of this technique is that it can deform the breast and displace the implant when the muscle contracts. That is why it is not recommended in patients who do intense physical exercise.


With an implant over the muscle, there are techniques to prevent the formation of ripples, implant visibility, or rotation. For example, the surgeon can inject your own fat during breast enlargement surgery.

However, your doctor could also consider the “dual plane” technique: The upper half of the implant is under the muscle and the bottom half is in close contact with the breast tissue.

With this technique, the upper muscle coverage of the implant reduces the risk of rippling and disruption of cleavage, while improving mammography accuracy. It also gives you a natural look with a slight “lift.”

Therefore, it is important to put yourself in the best-experienced hands and attend the consultation with an open mind.


Modern surgery techniques have speed-up recovery time for breast enhancement patients.

A night in hospital is required after a breast enlargement surgery, basically to control the drains. The day after, the patient is discharged after removing the drains and the placement of a surgical bra.

Evidently, after surgery, you will have pain for 3 or 4 days. You may feel a pricking pain or a burning sensation. This is perfectly normal! You will receive analgesics to help you feel less uncomfortable, and the pain will subside.

Also, the breasts will be swollen for a few days. They will be very turgid, and the skin will be shiny!

For 3-4 days, it is important to rest. After this time, you will be cleared to drive and return to work. But you should avoid unnecessary efforts and heavy lifting for 15 days minimum! After a month, you can return to regular activities.

The results after breast augmentation surgery are immediate. However, it is necessary to wait a few months (up to a year) to see the final results and gradually recover breast sensibility.


When a person decides to go in for breast enlargement, there is a feeling of uncertainty. And here is where computer simulations come into play. It allows you to see the before and after results!

Recent progress in photographic software allows the patient to get an idea of the final result. Also, it shows you what the surgeon aims to achieve after the surgery.

Computer simulation is done to get surgeon and patients to agree on the result they want to obtain. But the computer simulation should in no way be considered as something written in stone!

We should not forget that plastic surgery involves working with living tissue. The computer doesn’t’ consider the quality of the breast tissue, the thickness, and the skin’s age.

However, we are confident that with Antiaging Group Barcelona, you will get your desired results!

What if a choose to have an implant removal?

Maybe you could be dealing with complications from breast implants, or you no longer wish to have them anymore. Whatever your case, breast implant removal is the right thing to do.

However, you may worry about how your breast will look. Some post-op deflation and sagging can be expected depending on factors like age, the size of your natural breast, and implants.

Older patients tend to have less collagen and elastin in their skin and are less likely to revert to their previous appearance. On the other hand, patients who naturally had small breasts pre-implants will often have less of a sagging effect post-implants.

But rest assured because your surgeon will give you the best results possible. You could consider having a mastopexy (breast uplift) in conjunction with the removal procedure in those cases.

Also, it should be noted that the patient could be satisfied having a downsizing of her current implants in most cases. Using a smaller size is a perfectly good option! Instead of having a removal, your doctor would perform a breast implant replacement surgery.

In any case, remember that consulting with an experienced plastic surgeon registered with the general medical council GMC is of utmost importance to ensure that you get the treatment that you need.

How much breast enlargement costs?

The cost of breast enlargement surgery depends on many factors.

Since the economic factor plays an important role, we offer you the possibility to come to our facilities for a first free no-obligation visit. The patient can consult the plastic surgeon with all their questions and concerns.

We will offer the best solution and the best price for your “boob job”!

What is included in breast enlargement surgery cost?

  • Anesthesia
  • Surgical facility and hospital stay costs (24 hours stay)
  • Surgeon’s fees
  • Implants + manufacturer’s guarantee (you will receive the card for the implants).
  • Check-ups during one year with ultrasound follow-up (first clinic in Spain to do so)
  • ISAPS insurance (International Society of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery): without any cost in the unlikely case of corrective surgery.

Why choose doctor Jesús Benito for your breast enlargement in Spain?

With more than 20 years of experienceDoctor Jesús Benito is one of the best breast augmentation surgeons in Europe. He is considered an authority in plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery.

Doctor Benito masters several surgical techniques which allow him to achieve the best results in breast enlargement surgery, depending on your particular case.

Surgery can be performed whether by using breast implants or with the patient’s own fat. Also, Doctor Benito has been a pioneer in developing the axillary procedure in breast enlargement surgery in Spain. This technique has more advantages than traditional techniques.

Doctor Jesus Benito - Plastic Surgeon

Doctor Jesús Benito

Specialist in plastic and cosmetic surgery.

  • Secretary of the ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery).
  • Former president of the Spanish Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (AECEP).
  • 2013 Gold Medal (Forum Europa)
  • 2003 McGhan Prize: pioneer in axillary subfascial breast enlargement technique.

More information about the medical team.

Bibliography & Publications:

Benito-Ruiz J. Transaxillary subfascial breast augmentation. Surg. J., 2003, 23(6): 480-483.

Benito-Ruiz J. Subfascial breast implant. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2004 Mar;113(3):1088-9

Benito-Ruiz J, Raigosa M, Manzano M, Salvador L. Subfascial breast augmentation: thickness of the pectoral fascia. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2009 Jan;123(1):31e-32e.

Plastic surgery is (mainly) for the spring.

The national register of breast implants.

1 in 3 women are uncomfortable with their breasts.

Breasts too big are “old-fashioned”

More publications:
  • Benito-Ruiz, J., Manzano, M. L., & Salvador-Miranda, L. (2017). Five-Year Outcomes of Breast Augmentation with Form-Stable Implants: Periareolar vs Transaxillary. Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 37(1), 46-56.
  • Benito-Ruiz, J. Nipple Shields in Transaxillary Breast Augmentation. Annals of Plastic Surgery, 2017, 78:397–402.
  • Benito-Ruiz, J., de Cabo, F., Manzano, M., Salvador, L. Effects of Silicone Implants on the Mammary Gland: Ultrasonographic and 3D Study. Aesthetic plastic surgery, 2018, 1-12.
  • Aumento mamario por vía umbilical y endoscopia. Congreso Nacional de Videocirugía, Alicante, Noviembre de 1997
  • Subfascial transaxilar breast augmentation. 2003 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Boston. Mayo 2003
  • Aumento mamario subfascial transaxilar. XXXVIII Congreso de la Sociedad Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Plástica, Reparadora y Estética. Barcelona, Junio de 2003.
  • Resultados a 5 años con prótesis anatómica: abordaje areolar vs axilar. III Congreso Ibérico de Cirugía Plástica, Estoril, 2 a 4 de junio de 2016.
  • Anatomical implants in subfascial plane by axillary approach. 3r SICAAAMS 2012. Genève 18-21 de abril del 2012.
  • Combining fat grafting and implants in breast surgery. ISAPS Symposium. Roma, 13 de diciembre de 2012.
  • Actualización en aumento axilar. XIX Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Cirugía Plástica, Reparadora y Estética. Guayaquil, octubre 2016.
  • Resultados a largo plazo de Aumento mamario Transaxilar. XXII Congreso Ibero Latinoamericano de Cirugíaa Plástica y Reconstructiva- FILACP 2018. Lima, 23-26 Mayo 2018.
  • Effects of breast implants on thickness of the gland. ISAPS Congress Miami, 2-4 Nov 2018.

Do you want more information about breast enlargement surgery?

The first visit is free and without obligation.

You can contact us on WhatsApp or Viber at +34 657 460 421.

If you wish, you can send us some photos to have an estimate quote. Photos will not be stored and will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Please explain the results you wish to obtain.

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    Click here if you want more information about Antiaging Group Barcelona (Spain).

    Dr Benito and Dr Salvador - Antiaging Group Barcelona

    Antiaging Group Barcelona

    Ronda del General Mitre, 84, 08021 (Barcelona, Spain)

    Nearest Metro Stations: Les Tres Torres / La Bonanova

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