Before discussing teardrop breast augmentation, you should know what breast enlargement surgery is and what it entails.
Commonly known as a boob job, breast enlargement surgery is a cosmetic procedure designed to enhance the size and appearance of your breast through the placement of breast implants.
Whether you suffer from asymmetry, have small boobs, or have some sagging from weight loss or after giving birth, breast surgery is the right fit for you.
However, this can be a confusing world or unknown territory. Maybe you know how you want to look like, but there are a lot of decisions to make!
There are different materials, positions, shapes and sizes! So let’s start from the beginning.
Written by Dr Osama Bahsas Zaky
Updated on June 28, 2021
Are Teardrop Implants Better for me?
Are Teardrop Implants More Natural Looking?
Breast Implant Placement Over or Under the Muscle?
In general, we could say that round breast implants are fluid silicone or saline-filled implants that have a round shape (like the name implies) with a smooth shell. They are completely symmetrical and are the most used kind of implants to date.
On the other hand, teardrop shaped implants (also called TDI or anatomical implants) mimic the breast’s natural shape. They are smaller at the top and fuller at the bottom, so they are completely asymmetrical.
These implants are made of a thicker silicone gel or high cohesion gel that holds its shape, with the benefit of feeling soft to the touch. They are also known as gummy bear implants!
Even though these breast implants has fast become a new and attractive option for patients in the last few years, you should consider some things before deciding on the types of implant.
The TDI could be beneficial for women with low body fat and small breasts seeking a more natural appearance.
Indeed, they give you a smooth transition from the collarbone to the bottom of the breast, with no “steps” and avoiding the “stuck-on” look typical of round implants with thin tissue coverage.
Also, these breast implants are an excellent option for women with mild sagging and low sitting nipple placement, because the procedure with these implants helps to centralize the areola.
These implants do give you a more natural look in experienced hands. It also depends on your body conditions like weight, frame, breast tissue, and sagging.
Also, you should know that based on the material they are made, there are some differences.
The round breast implants are filled with a fluid gel or solution that flows freely and shifts its distribution into the implant depending on gravity and the position you are in.
So, when you are in the upright position, the fluid accumulates in the bottom, and when you lie down, the fluid distributes symmetrically, similar to a real breast.
On the other hand, since the TDI retains its form, they give a natural look when you are in an upright position. However, when you lie down, the shape remains the same. Maybe you could have a minimal change in the contour. So it all comes down to your preferences.
Besides their natural look, they have less risk of complications like ruptures and capsular contraction. Also, less tears and leakages!
Because of the high cohesion gel they are made of, in case of a rupture, they maintain their form, much like a gummy bear would. So the material won’t ooze out of the capsule and leak into the surrounding tissue.
However, there is the possibility of a silent rupture. That’s why is recommended to do MRIS scans three years after the implantation, and every two years after that. So a silent rupture can be identified and caught on time.
Also, they have less risk of capsular contraction being of 3,4% Vs. 11,4 % with round implants. This is a complication where the scar tissue surrounding the implant becomes tighter and ticker, causing pain, asymmetries, and abnormal appearance that requires a re-intervention.
They are more expensive. However, that’s a cost you might assume for the sake of beauty! Especially when you take into account all the benefits.
Also, they can lead to a little more scarring because the incision to introduce them is slightly bigger.
Finally, in rare cases (0,4-1,5 %), you could present a complication known as implant rotation. However, you shouldn’t worry about this because to prevent this complication these implants are made of a textured shell surface, which allows the surrounding tissue to adhere firmly and hold it in place.
Again, this is a decision influenced by many factors, and your plastic surgeon will have the final word!
The technique used depends on the size and shape of your breast, the implants that you choose, and skin conditions.
When your implants are placed under the muscle, you could have a more natural appearance and the firmness of the implant would be less noticeable. However, it could be a little more painful.
On the other hand, the placement over the muscle should be done in patients with enough breast tissue to prevent the formation of ripples. Additionally, this technique is perfect for women with larger breasts without the need for a breast lift.
The profile refers to how far the breasts stick out or project from your chest wall.
There are different types: low, medium, full/high, and extra full/extra high.
In general, the low profile is recommended to balance wide frames, whereas extra-high profiles are useful for women with narrow breasts.
Most patients are not familiar with this topic because the implant size is given in cubic centimeters or cc, not in brassier cups. So, the bigger the cc number, the bigger the size! But to get to a determined cup size, there isn’t a determined amount of cc.
On average, every 150-200 cc could be the equivalent of a cup or a cup and a half size. However, the final cup size will ultimately be determined by the implants shape, previous size and shape of your breast, the width, etc.
In the end, the breast implant size will always be individual. What worked for your friend may not work or look the same on you!
You have to remember that your breast augmentation surgery results will depend on your plastic surgeon and you!
It is necessary to have excellent communication with your surgeon, so he can listen to your expectations and act accordingly. Also, he can answer any question that you might have.
After all, this is a cosmetic surgery that will impact your confidence and self-image. So don’t take it lightly. Inform yourself, study all the options and put yourself in the best hands. Book a consultation right now!
Specialist in plastic and cosmetic surgery.
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Plastic surgery is (mainly) for the spring.
The national register of breast implants.
1 in 3 women are uncomfortable with their breasts.
Breasts too big are “old-fashioned”
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